Huan Yu Author & Editor

Huan Yu is an Assistant Professor in the Thrust of Intelligent Transportation at the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (Guangzhou), and a joint Assistant Professor in the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering at the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology. She received her Ph.D. degree from University of California, San Diego. She was a visiting scholar at University of California, Berkeley and Massachusetts Institute of Technology. 

Miroslav Krstic is Fellow of SIAM, IEEE, IFAC, ASME, AAAS, IET, AIAA (AF), and the Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts. His awards include the Bellman, Reid, Oldenburger, Ragazzini, Chestnut, Paynter, Nyquist Lecture, IFAC Nonlinear Control , IFAC Ruth Curtain DPS, Balakrishnan, Axelby, and Schuck (’96 and ’19). He has served as EiC or senior editor in Systems & Control Letters, Automatica, and IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control. Four of Krstic’s 18 coauthored books have been with this Birkhäuser series, including the single-authored Delay Compensation for Nonlinear, Adaptive, and PDE System