Howard Phillips Editor & Author

Howard Phillips, South African by birth, studied at the University of Cape Town and London University before joining the staff of the History Department at UCT in 1974. Since completing his doctoral thesis on the impact of the Spanish flu pandemic on South Africa (which was published in 1990), he has researched, taught and written on the medical history of South Africa. In 1998, together with David Killingray, he organised the first international conference on the influenza pandemic of 1918–19.David Killingray was born in 1939. He studied at the London School of Economics, the University of York, and the School of Oriental and African Studies where he gained a PhD in African history. He was a school teacher for 12 years in the UK and Tanzania. In 1972 he joined Goldsmiths College, University of London, where he is now Professor of Modern History. He has written books and many articles on aspects of African, Imperial, Caribbean and English local history, and has just completed a book on African soldiers in the Second World War.