The Life and Work of Carl Rogers
Howard Kirschenbaum - Paperback
Howard Kirschenbaum is a leading authority on the life and work of Carl Rogers. He is a national leader in the field of values education and character education, consulted by school systems and organisations around the country and the world. Howard received his Doctorate of Education from Temple University and is currently Chair of the Department of Counseling and Human Development and Frontier Professor of School, Family and Community Relations in the Warner Graduate School of Education and Human Development, University of Rochester, New York. He is co-author of 22 books on education, psychology and history, including: Values Clarification: A handbook of practical strategies for teachers and students; 100 Ways to Enhance Values and Morality in Schools and Youth Settings; Skills for Living, a life-skills curriculum used with over one million high school students; Dear Kimara: A father's letter to his teenage daughter about sex; On Becoming Carl Rogers; Advanced Value Clarification; Developing Support Groups; Wad-Ja-Get? The grading game in American education; co-editor of The Carl Rogers Reader and Carl Rogers: Dialogues. He is the producer of the film 'Carl Rogers and the Person-Centered Approach'.