Hotze Rullmann Editor

Daniel Gutzmann is Senior Lecturer in German Linguistics at the University of Cologne, Germany. His research interests are semantics, pragmatics, and syntax. He is the author of Use-Conditional Meaning (2015) and The Grammar of Expressivity (2019), as well as co-editor of Beyond Expressives (2013), Approaches to Meaning: Composition, Values, and Interpretation (2014), and Secondary Content (2019).

Lisa Matthewson is Professor of Linguistics at the University of British Columbia, Canada. Her research interests center on semantic variation and universals. She is co-editor of Methodologies in Semantic Fieldwork (2015) and editor of Quantification: A Cross-Linguistic Perspective (2008) and is author of When I Was Small - I Wan Kwikws: A Grammatical Analysis of St'át'imcets Oral Narratives (2005) and Determiner Systems and Quantificational Strategies: Evidence from Salish (1998).

Cécile Meier is Senior Lecturer at Goethe-Universität, Frankfurt, Germany. She has worked on the interpretation of adjectives and comparison constructions and on definiteness. She is a co-editor of Approaches to Meaning: Composition, Values, and Interpretation (2014) and Subjective Meaning: Alternatives to Relativism (2016).

Hotze Rullmann is Associate Professor at the University of British Columbia, Canada. He is co-editor of Perspectives on Negation and Polarity Items (2001) and has published on a variety of topics in semantics, including questions, comparatives, negative polarity, focus particles, modality, and the interaction of modals with tense and aspect.

Thomas Ede Zimmermann is Professor of Formal Semantics at Goethe-Universität, Frankfurt, Germany. His main research interests include descriptive compositional semantics, the logical foundations of semantics, and philosophy of language. In addition to his book publications, which include the co-authored Introduction to Semantics (2013), he has also published more than 50 research papers and is former editor of the Linguistics and Philosophy journal.