Hollie Nyseth Nzitatira Editor

Barbora Holá works as Senior Researcher at the NSCR and as Associate Professor at the Department of Criminal Law and Criminology at Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, the Netherlands. She has an interdisciplinary focus and studies transitional justice after atrocities, in particular (international) criminal trials, sentencing of international crimes, enforcement of international sentences, rehabilitation of war criminals and life after trial at international criminal tribunals. Hollie Nyseth Nzitatira is an Associate Professor of Sociology at The Ohio State University. Her research addresses the causes of genocide and mass violence, as well as how countries rebuild in the aftermath. Her two current projects funded by the U.S. National Science foundation examine Rwanda's gacaca courts and peoples' reentry and reintegration following incarceration for genocide in Rwanda. Maartje Weerdesteijn works as Assistant Professor at the Department of Criminal law and Criminology at Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam. She is an interdisciplinary scholar who focusses on the role of the dictator in orchestrating mass atrocities and the responsibility of the international community to mitigate these crimes.