Holim Song Editor

Holim Song is an assistant professor of instructional technology at Texas Southern University (Houston, Texas). His research interests include designing and sequencing of online interactions, instructional strategies for Web-based instruction, the impact of multimedia in online education, and designing and integrating multimedia learning objects to enhance instructional quality of face to face learning environments. Dr. Song has a wide range of expertise in education. He completed the MEd degree in second language education and the EdD in instructional technology from the University of Houston. Terry T. Kidd, PhD (Candidate), received his graduate education training at Texas A&M University. Kidd has presented at international conferences on designing technology rich learning environments, technology diffusion and innovation, and issues dealing with faculty and staff development. His research interests include technology innovation and diffusion within an educational and community context to support teaching, learning, and development and the interaction of technology with individual and institutional factors in (re) structuring community computing solutions that lead to the (re) production of social inequality. Kidd is an experienced university educator, consultant, and scholar. He is the author of the Handbook of Research on Instructional Systems Technology and Social Information Technology: Connecting Society and Cultural Issues.