Hiroyuki Ohshima Editor & Author

Dr. Masaki Morishita is a senior consulting engineer with Japan Atomic Energy Agency, and has almost 40 years’ experience in R&D related to high temperature structural design and seismic design of Sodium Fast Reactors mechanical components. He also has been active in the nuclear codes and standards development activities both in JSME and ASME for more than 20 years. He is a past Chair of JSME Main Committee on Power Generation Facility Codes, and is also a past chair of Subgroup High Temperature Reactors of ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code Section III. He is a fellow of both JSME and ASME. Mr. Hiroyuki Ohshima is an executive board director of Japan Atomic Energy Agency. As a researcher, he has more than 30 years of experience in research and development related to thermal-hydraulic issues and safety specific to sodium-cooled fast reactors after graduating from the University of Tokyo Graduate School. He also has been committed to the JSME and AESJ activities; he is a past chair of the planning committee of Power and Energy Systems Division of JSME and currently he is the chair of subcommittee on thermal hydraulics of AESJ. He is a fellow of JSME. Koizumi, Yasuo is a research promotor and an invited researcher at the University of Electro-Communications at present. He had been an invited researcher of the Japan Atomic Energy Agency for five years before now. He received his PhD degree from the University of Tokyo in 1977. He started his research career at the Japan Atomic Energy Research Institute in 1977 as a research engineer for nuclear reactor safety. He stayed at the Idaho National Engineering Laboratory from 1981 through 1983. He moved to the Department of Mechanical Engineering of Kogakuin University in 1989. Then, he moved to the Department of Functional Machinery and Mechanics of Shinshu University in 2008. He retired as professor in 2014 and he had been in the Japan Atomic Energy Agency since then. His research is focused in the areas of pool and flow boiling, critical heat flux, condensation heat transfer, and two-phase flow. He is also interested in heat transfer and fluid flow on the microscale. Since his research field is closely related to energy systems, he has great interest in thermal and nuclear power stations and energy supply in society.