Science and Football VII
3 contributors - Hardback
Hiroyuki Nunome is a Professor of Biomechanics in the Faculty of Sports and Health Science, Fukuoka University, Japan. He is a former President of the Japanese Society of Science and Football and has been a member of the International Steering Group on Science and Football. He is well known for his pioneering works regarding the biomechanics of football actions.
Ewald Hennig is a Professor of Biomechanics at the Institute of Health and Biomedical Innovation, Queensland University of Technology, Australia. He is well known as patent holder for pressure distribution devices of the company NOVEL Inc., Munich, and as a world expert for footwear biomechanics relating to football.
Neal Smith is a Field Leader in Biomechanics and Research Methods at Chichester University, UK. He has recently been featured by Sky Sports in 'Ronaldo: Tested to the Limit' and by Disney XD in 'Goalmouth'.