3 authors - Paperback
Hiral Parikh is an academician and researcher with over two decades of teaching experience in the field of Mechanical Engineering. She currently holds the position of Associate Professor and Ph.D. Program Coordinator at the School of Engineering and Technology, Navrachana University, Vadodara, Gujarat, India. Dr. Hiral has earned her Master of Engineering (M.E.) in Machine Design from Birla Vishvakarma Mahavidyalaya, Gujarat, and a Doctorate (Ph.D.) from CSPIT, CHARUSAT, Changa, Gujarat, India. Her expertise lies in the domains of Fiber Reinforced Polymer (FRP) Matrix Composites, Hybrid Composites, Bio-composites, Tribology of FRP Composites, andComposite Manufacturing and Characterization. Dr. Hiral has around 50 research papers published in prestigious journals indexed in SCI and Scopus. She has also presented her research work at numerous national and international conferences and has authored five book chapters published by reputable publishers. Dr. Hiral’s innovation, a composite structure heat pipe, was granted a patent by the Indian Patent Office in February 2023. This innovation also earned an Indian design registration also, underscoring its unique design. Her scholarly impact is reflected in her H-index of 8 and i10-index of 6. Dr. Hiral has delivered numerous expert lectures, seminars, and workshops, fostering learning and collaboration among students and professionals. She has secured grants from both private and government organizations to organize seminars, short-term training programs, and workshops. She is also reviewer for several high impact factor and peer reviewed journals. She is also a member of Tribology Society of India (TSI) and Indian Society of Technical Education (ISTE).
Piyush P. Gohil is currently working as an Associate Professor in the Mechanical Engineering Department at Faculty of Technology & Engineering, The M S University of Baroda, Vadodara (Gujarat). He is also holding the position of NCC Officer in 1 Guj. Compo. Technical Regiment Baroda Unit. In his previous service he was Professor & Head Mech. Engg. Dept, CSPIT CHARUSAT Changa. He did his Ph.D. in August- 2010 from SVNIT-Surat (Gujarat) INDIA. Dr. Gohil’s area of research includes Design, Manufacturing and Tribology of Composites. He is a life member of ISTE, TSI, ISAMPE, FRP Institute and annual member of SAE. He has guided 10 PhD students and 03 are pursuing, also guided more than 70 ME/M.Tech Dissertations. He has more than 130 research papers in referred journals, national & international conferences. He has also published 15 book chapters, edited one conference proceeding and one thematic journal issue with reputed publishers. His total citation is more than 1800, his H index is 19 and i10 index is 32. He has delivered more than 70 expert lectures in various faculty development programmes and many expert lectures to the student community. He is acting as reviewer in many national and international journals. He has completed two MODROB projects of AICTE-New Delhi INDIA. He has also received one research project grant from DST Purse, SERB Delhi and two from GUJCOST Gandhingar. He was awarded travel grants as a Young Scientist from DST INDIA in March 2011 for Malaysia & under UGC Merged scheme in March 2015 for London. Dr. Gohil also acted as Chairperson of the Board of Studies (BOS) in Mech. Engg. Dept., M S University and an External Expert BOS member at BVM, CHARUSAT and P.P. Savani University. He has also acted as Dy. Director in Research & Consultancy Cell-The M S university of Baroda, for the duration of three years March 2019-March 22. He is also a part of various national level expert committees at AICTE and NBA committee.