Hilda David Editor

Dr. Hilda David is an Associate Professor of English at the Symbiosis College of Arts and Commerce in Pune. A novelist, playwright, stage director and teacher of creative writing, she has also written extensively for the national dailies. A consultant to the Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, she has coordinated and organised the Ibsen Festivals in India, and she was chosen by the English Speaking Union to represent India at the Shakespeare Workshop in London in 2008. Among her recent publications is a collection of essays, India Diversity (co-edited with Francis Jarman, 2017). Her works have been translated into Hindi, Urdu and Kannada. Dr. Francis Jarman taught English, Comparative Cultural Studies and Intercultural Communication at Hildesheim University, Germany, until his retirement in 2013. He has also taught or lectured in Egypt, Thailand and Japan and at eighteen European universities, and been a Scholar in Residence at Symbiosis, Pune, and a Visiting Professor at American College, Madurai. He is a novelist, a playwright, and a classical numismatist. Among his publications about India are a play, A Star Fell (1998), about Cawnpore (Kanpur) in 1857; a study of sat? (2002); a short biography of Azimullah Khan (2008); and a collection of essays, India Diversity (co-edited with Hilda David, 2017)