Hewitt Crane Author

Hewitt Crane was one of SRI's visionaries, combining several disciplines in his multilevel career. He is considered to be SRI's first bioengineer and one of SRI's most prolific inventors. Prior to SRI Hew worked with John Von Neumann at the Institute for Advanced Study in Princeton. He was also co-founder of the highly acclaimed Ridge winery. Edwin Kinderman has spent over 50 years actively conducting and/or managing research, development and evaluation activities dealing with the development and implementation of energy technology and the individual markets these technologies address. His latest effort has been an attempt to correlate these experiences into the overall evaluations discussed in this book. Ripudaman Malhotra is an organic chemist and associate director of the Physical Sciences Division at SRI International, a nonprofit scientific research institute. He has worked extensively in the area of energy, particularly in the study of fossil fuels. His detailed studies have resulted in innovative processes and increased efficiency. His research interests currently focus on studying alternate resources such as biomass and the application of biotechnology in the areas of energy, chemicals, and the environment.