Firefighter Zen
Hersch Wilson - Paperback
Larry Wilson was a world-renowned entrepreneur, speaker, and facilitator up to his death in 2013. He founded Wilson Learning Corporation, Interactive Technologies ("IT") and the lengendary Pecos River Learning Centers. He has three best selling books to his credit including Changing The Game in Selling, and this book Play To Win, now in its 14th printing. Hersch Wilson continues his father's work leading teams around the world in rediscovering their courage and creativity. His clients have included DuPont, Kraft Foods, Phillip Morris, and IBM Japan., to name a few. He is a thirty-year veteran volunteer firefighter and the author of Firefighter Zen: A Field Guide to Thriving in Tough Times. He currently lives in Santa Fe, New Mexico with his wife Laurie, their two daughters and two Bernese Mountain Dogs.