The Oxford Handbook of Empirical Legal Research
2 contributors - Hardback
Peter Cane is Professor of Law and Director of the John Fleming Centre Advancement of Legal Research, College of Law, Australian National University. He is the author of the Clarendon Law Series title Administrative Law (OUP 4th edition 2004); Principles of Administrative Law (co-authored with Leighton McDonald, OUP, 2008); Responsibility in Law and Morality (Hart, 2003); and is the co-editor of several volumes, including The New Oxford Companion to Law (co-edited by Joanne Conaghan, OUP, 2008). Herbert Kritzer is the Marvin J. Sonosky Chair of Law and Public Policy at the University of Minnesota Law School. He is Professor of Political Science and Law emeritus at the University of Wisconsin-Madison. He has published numerous articles and several books, including Risks, Reputations, and Rewards (Stanford UP: 2004) and is the co-editor, with Susan Silbey, of In Litigation: Do the 'Haves' Still Come Out Ahead? (Stanford UP: 2003).