Faith Schools, Tolerance and Diversity
Helen Everett - Paperback
Helen Everett was, at the time of her death, a Research Manager at the National Foundation for Educational Research. She had taught Science in a variety of English schools before doing her PhD at the UCL Institute of Education, UK, funded by an ESRC award. Jan Germen Janmaat is Reader in Comparative Social Science at UCL Institute of Education, UK. His research focuses on the socio-cultural outcomes of education. He is co-editor of The Dynamics and Social Outcomes of Education Systems. Edward Vickers is Professor of Comparative Education at Kyushu University, Japan. A specialist in the history and politics of education in contemporary East Asia, he is co-author (with Zeng Xiaodong) of Education and Society in Post-Mao China. Henry Everett is the Vicar of St Mary Magdalene and St Peter, Paddington, and is co-author (with Paul Bradshaw and Colin Buchanan) of Coronations Past, Present and Future. He is currently writing on Christian and Muslim shrines. He was married to Helen for 26 years.