Cicero's Role Models
Henriette Van Der Blom - Hardback
Henriette van der Blom is Lecturer in Ancient History at the University of Birmingham. Her publications include Cicero's Role Models: The Political Strategy of a Newcomer (2010), Community and Communication: Oratory and Politics in Republican Rome (ed. with Catherine Steel; 2013), and Oratory and Political Career in the late Roman Republic (Cambridge, 2016). She is a member of the editorial board of the Fragments of the Roman Republican Orators project. Christa Gray is Lecturer in Classics at the University of Reading. She is the author of Jerome, Vita Malchi: Introduction, Text, Translation, and Commentary (2015), and the co-editor, alongside Andrea Balbo, Richard Marshall and Catherine Steel, of Reading Republican Oratory: Reconstructions, Contexts, Receptions (forthcoming). She is a member of the editorial board of the Fragments of the Roman Republican Orators project. Catherine Steel is Professor of Classics at the University of Glasgow. Her publications include The End of the Roman Republic, 146 to 44 BC: Conquest and Crisis (2013) and, as editor, The Cambridge Companion to Cicero (Cambridge, 2013). She is currently Principal Investigator on The Fragments of Republican Roman Oratory project.