Industry 4.0
2 contributors - Hardback
Dr. Ravi Kant is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Mechanical Engineering at Indian Institute of Technology Ropar, India. He received his Bachelor degree in Mechanical Engineering from Maharshi Dayanand University, Rohtak (Haryana, India). He completed his M. Tech. from Department of Mechanical Engineering at Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) Guwahati, India with specialization in "Computer Assisted Manufacturing". He worked on the Investigation on Formability of Adhesively Bonded Sheets during his M. Tech. project. He also obtained his doctorate from IIT Guwahati in the field of laser forming process. His research interests include Laser transmission welding; Hybrid machining; Laser forming; Cold spray coatings; Additive manufacturing, Hybrid joining and Sustainable materials. He has completed many research projects and consultancy works in these research areas. He has contributed around 80 research articles in peer-reviewed journals, conferences, and edited books. He has edited one book titled "Simulations for design and manufacturing" published by Springer Singapore. He has also guest edited five special issues in reputed journals. He has developed and taught advanced courses like Modern manufacturing processes; Sustainability science and technology; Analysis of casting, forming and joining processes; Advanced welding technology; Micromanufacturing; Manufacturing, etc. He has also conducted various international conferences, workshops, symposiums, Colloquiums, and faculty development programs in the field of advanced manufacturing technology.
Dr. Hema Gurung is an independent researcher in the field of Robotics. She obtained her bachelor degree from Kalyani University (West Bengal, India) in Electronics and Instrumentation Engineering. She completed her M. Tech. in Mechatronics from IIEST (Indian Institute of Engineering and Science Technology, Shibpur, India) and received her Ph.D. from the Department of Mechanical Engineering at Indian Institute of Technology Guwahati, India in the field of Robotics. She had worked in Hanbat National University, South Korea and Thapar University, India. Her research work includes experimental analysis, numerical simulation, optimization, control systems, state estimator, robotics, smart sensors and actuators. She has published a good number of research articles in international journals, conferences and edited books. Currently she is working at the application of smart sensors and actuators in Industry 4.0.