Heloise Weber Author & Editor

Dr. Mark T. Berger is Director of the US-México Security-Development Partnership Project and Adjunct Professor in the Department of Defense Analysis at the Naval Postgraduate School, USA. He has published and taught widely on development and security issues, international studies and modern international history. His latest books include The Crisis of Global Modernity and the Fate of Humanity: From a World of Empires to a World of Sovereign Nation-States to a New Global Order for the 21st Century (Forthcoming: 2014). Heloise Weber is Senior Lecturer in International Relations and Development at the University of Queensland, Australia. She researches and publishes on the global politics of development and inequalities, and poverty reduction strategies, including on theoretical and methodological aspects. She is co-editor (with M. T. Berger) of Recognition and Redistribution: Beyond International Development (Routledge 2013) and editor of Politics of Development (Routledge, 2014). She is currently working on a monograph on the global politics of microcredit and poverty.