Helene Tenzer Editor

B. Sebastian Reiche is Professor of People Management at IESE Business School in Barcelona, Spain. His research focuses on the forms, prerequisites and consequences of global work, international HRM, global leadership and knowledge transfer, and has appeared in Academy of Management Discoveries, Academy of Management Journal, Journal of International Business Studies, Journal of Management Studies, Organization Science, and Personnel Psychology, among others. He is Associate Editor of Human Resource Management Journal, co-editor of Advances in Global Leadership, and regularly blogs on topics related to global work (http://blog.iese.edu/expatriatus). Anne-Wil Harzing is Professor of International Management at Middlesex University, London, a Visiting Professor at Tilburg University, and a Fellow of the Academy of International Business. Her research interests include international HRM, expatriate management, HQ–subsidiary relationships, the role of language in international business, and the international research process. She has published more than 120 journal articles and books and book chapters on these topics and has been listed among the top 1% most cited academics in Economics & Business worldwide since 2007. She blogs on all things academia at https://harzing.com/blog/. Helene Tenzer is Assistant Professor of International Management at LMU Munich School of Management. Her research focuses primarily on language diversity in international management, multinational teams, and organizational behaviour. She has published on these topics in outlets such as the Journal of International Business Studies, Academy of Management Learning and Education, Leadership Quarterly and Journal of World Business. In addition, she has founded a research network on language issues in management with currently over 100 international members.