Helena Wahlström Henriksson Editor

Helena Wahlström Henriksson is Professor of Gender studies and Associate Professor in American literature at Uppsala University. Her research interests are feminist cultural studies, masculinity studies, and critical kinship studies. She has published widely on fatherhood, mother-child relations and orphanhood. She coordinated the Swedish Network for Family and Kinship Studies (2014-2019), and its international conference Close Relations (2018). Her current project, “Single Parents in Swedish Media” investigates conteporary representations of “lone” parenthood in life writing, film, and newspapers.
Klara Goedecke is a postdoc at Stockholm University, Sweden. Her research focuses on men and masculinities from intersectional perspectives, and includes work on homosociality, men’s friendships, postfeminism and gender equality. Her current project, “High stakes. Men, masculinities and gambling as cultural phenomena,” investigates gender constructions, affects and class politics in Swedish gambling.