Helen Fair
Professor Andrew Coyle CMG, is Emeritus Professor of Prison Studies, University of London, and was founding Director of the International Centre for Prison Studies in King’s College London. He previously worked at a senior level in the prison services of the United Kingdom. He has been a prisons adviser to a number of United Nations bodies as well as the Council of Europe and several national governments. His handbook A Human Rights Approach to Prison Management has been published in two editions and translated into 18 languages. Helen Fair is a Research Fellow at the Institute for Criminal Policy Research (ICPR) and was previously a Research Associate at the International Centre for Prison Studies (ICPS). She undertakes research on prisons and the use of imprisonment around the world and has contributed to a number of publications including the key text A Human Rights Approach to Management: Handbook for Prison Staff. Dr Jessica Jacobson is Co-Director of the Institute for Criminal Policy Research and was formerly a Senior Research Officer for the Home Office. She undertakes research and publishes widely on many different aspects of the criminal justice system including prisons, sentencing, and the work of the criminal courts more widely. Her recent publications include Inside Crown Court: Personal experiences and questions of legitimacy (Policy Press, 2015). Roy Walmsley established and is Director of the World Prison Brief, a comprehensive online database of information on the prison systems of the world. He also researches and produces the World Prison Population List, the World Female Imprisonment List and the World Pre-trial/Remand Imprisonment List. Formerly deputy head of the Home Office research department, he has published studies of the prison systems of central and eastern Europe for the European Institute for Crime Prevention and Control (HEUNI) and conducted assessments of prison systems for the Council of Europe. As an expert on prisons data worldwide, he acts as an honorary consultant to the UN.