Motherhood and Social Exclusion
2 contributors - Paperback
Christie Byvelds is a mother and registered social worker. She is a sessional instructor with the School of Social Work at Carleton University, and she practices both clinically and as a private research consultant. Heather Jackson, a former teen mom, is now a 30-something single mom of a teen. She is often mistaken as her daughter’s friend or sister! She is a former site producer of girl-mom.com. Currently, she works as a birth doula and an early childhood counsellor in Rhode Island. She published a chapter in The Bakken Goes Boom regarding the change of maternal health related to the oil boom in North Dakota (where she grew up!). In addition to this, she is also co-editor of Feminist Parenting and is currently co-editing Motherhood and Abortion anthologies through Demeter Press (http://demeterpress.org/). Her writing has also been published on thepushback.org, hipmama.com, girl-mom.com, muthamagazine.com, books, and zines.