Haut Flasch Author

Haut Flasch (Author)
Haut Flasch aka Brenda Bowen is the award-winning author of a novel for adults (Enchanted August) and over forty books for children. She was formerly a children's book editor and children's publisher at S&S, Disney Book Group, and Holt, and is now a literary agent at The Book Group. She lives in New York City, where she wakes every morning at 4:15am with all the blankets on the floor.

Mina Pauze (Illustrator)
Mina Pauze aka Jessie Hartland is an internationally known artist who has designed store window displays, cookie tins and oodles of other things. She has written and illustrated over 20 books for children & adults including Bon Appetit! The Delicious Life of Julia Child and Steve Jobs: Insanely Great! Jessie lives in New York City where her mood swings from the East Side to the West Side.