Harvey S Moskowitz Author

Harvey S. Moskowitz PP, FAICP, is a planning consultant and a former member and past president of the New Jersey Board of Professional Planners and was formerly on the board of directors of the American Planning Association and the New Jersey Site Improvement Advisory Board. He was the first New Jersey planner elected to the College of Fellows of the American Planning Association in 1983 and received an outstanding alumnus award from the Edward J. Bloustein School of Planning and Public Policy in 1995. He has worked in over 250 municipalities and other governmental entities in the United States throughout his career. Carl G. Lindbloom AICP, is a planning and urban design consultant with over fifty years experience in both the private and public sector. He was a member of the Princeton, New Jersey Planning Board and provided consulting services for numerous municipalities throughout the state. He is the author of Environmental Design Review, a guide for the development of municipal site plan review ordinances, and the co-author of A Guide for Residential Design Review. He illustrated this volume and all three earlier editions. David Listokin is a professor at the Edward J. Bloustein School at Planning and Public Policy at Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey, USA. There, he co-directs the Center for Urban Policy Research. For over 40 years, he has conducted studies for international and national clients on the subjects of development impact assessment, historic preservation, public finance, land use and housing. He is the author of numerous monographs and articles on these subjects. His research on subdivision regulations were adopted in the New Jersey Residential Site Plan Improvement Standards and he contributed to New Jersey's "smart building" code to encourage building rehabilitation and historic preservation.