Hartmut Stöckl Editor & Author

Martin Kaltenbacher is a Postdoctoral Research Fellow in the Department of English and American Studies at the University of Salzburg, Austria. In his research, he applies methods of Systemic Functional Linguistics and corpus linguistics to media discourse, language of tourism and news commentary. He co-edited books on Multimodality (Ventola, E., Charles, C., Kaltenbacher, M. Perspectives on Multimodality, Benjamins) and on Discourse Studies (Gruber, H., Kaltenbacher, M., Muntigl, P. Empirical Approaches to Discourse Analysis, Peter Lang). For the past three years he has been collaborating on a corpus based, international project called Styles of Persuasion in Europe, the aim of which is to explore similarities and differences in newspaper commentary across more than 200 European newspapers from 13 different European countries. Hartmut Stockl is full professor of English and Applied Linguistics at Salzburg University. His main research areas are in semiotics, text linguistics/stylistics, pragmatics and multimodal/visual communication. A recurrent theme surfacing in most of his work is a concern with a functional-linguistic theory of the multimodal text and effective analytical methods for uncovering its structures and styles. He is particularly interested in the linkage of language and image in modern media, typography and an aesthetic appreciation of advertising. His latest (co-)edited volumes are Bildlinguistik (2011, Erich Schmidt), Medientheorien und Multimodalitat (2011, Herbert von Halem), and Werbung - Keine Kunst!? (2012, Winter). He is the co-editor of the Handbook Language in Multimodal Contexts (2016, de Gruyter) in the 21-volume series Sprachwissen.