Saving Capitalism from the Capitalists
Hartmut Elsenhans - Hardback
Hartmut Elsenhans is Professor Emeritus at Leipzig University, Germany. He specialises in the economy and the history of the capitalist world system, the theory of development and underdevelopment, and the political economy of state classes and new social movements in rent based societies. Prof. Dr. Rachid Ouaissa teaches politics of the Near and Middle East at the Center of Near and Middle Eastern Studies at the Philipps-Universität Marburg. His main fields of research are political, economic and societal developments in the Near- and Middle East since the nineteenth century, the rise of Islamist Movements in the region, the EU’s Mediterranean policy, the foreign policy of Arab countries and questions of Rentier states. Since February 2013 he is project manager of the project funded by the BMBF Research Network: 'Re-configurations history, memory and transformation processes in the Middle East and North Africa' Sebastian Schwecke is Assistant Professor at the Centre for Modern Indian Studies (CeMIS), University of Göttingen, Germany. He specializes on identity-based politics in India and Pakistan, entrepreneurship, brokers and the everyday state in India, and informal financial markets in India. He has taught South Asian politics at Leipzig University and Heidelberg University, Germany. Mary Ann Tetreault has taught at Old Dominion University, Iowa State University, and is presently the Una Chapman Cox Distinguished Professor of International Affairs Emerita at Trinity University in San Antonio, Texas. She has conducted field-work and/or taught abroad in Vietnam, Japan, Slovakia, Syria, Turkey, Kuwait and Bahrain.