Harlyn Geronimo Author

Corine Sombrun is a musician, writer, and shaman. Born in Africa, she was trained as a pianist and composer in France and worked in London for a BBC World program on religion. While she was in Mongolia for the BBC, a shaman recognized her gift, and she underwent a three-year apprenticeship. Her abilities in the trance state have been studied by researchers in France and Canada. She now resides in Paris, France. Harlyn Geronimo is a medicine man and activist deeply involved in the life of his people on the Mescalero Apache reservation. He is also a sculptor. A former member of the tribal council, he speaks publicly about Apache history. From his many speaking engagements in Europe, he has been called an "Indian ambassador." He lives with his wife, Karen, an Apache linguist and teacher, in Mescalero, New Mexico.