Analytic and Continental Philosophy
2 contributors - Hardback
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Harald A. Wiltsche is Professor of Philosophy of Science at Linköping University, Sweden. He is also P.I. of a 4-year, externally funded research project on Hermann Weyl’s philosophy of physics, which is financed by the Austrian Science Fund. Harald’s research interests include philosophy of science (with a special focus on the physical sciences), epistemology and phenomenology.
Philipp Berghofer is a Post-Doc researcher and lecturer at the Philosophy Department of the University of Graz, Austria. His research focus centers around epistemology, phenomenology, philosophy of physics, and philosophy of science. Having finished his dissertation project in June 2019, Philipp’s position is now externally funded by the research project “Intentionality and Symbolic Construction: The Phenomenological Background of Hermann Weyl’s Philosophy of Physics” granted by the Austrian Science Fund (P. I.: Harald Wiltsche).