Hannah Pick-Goslar Author

Hannah Pick-Goslar, simply Hanneli to her friends, was born in Berlin 1928, the eldest child of Jewish parents Hans Goslar and Ruth Judith Klee. In 1933, after the election of Adolf Hitler and the Nazi Party, the Goslars moved to Amsterdam. Hannah attended the Sixth Public Montessori school, where she became best friends with Anne Frank. Hannah is referred to as 'Lies Goosens' in some of the tales in Anne Frank's Diary. In June 1943, Hannah, her father, her maternal grandparents, along with Hannah's younger sister Gabi, were arrested and sent to Westerbork transit camp, and then eventually to Bergen-Belsen. Hannah survived 14 months until the camp was liberated in 1945. She emigrates to Israel in 1947 and trained as a nurse. Now retired she enjoys the company of her three children, 10 grandchildren and 30 great-grandchildren.