Recent Advances in Adhesion Science and Technology in Honor of Dr. Kash Mittal
2 contributors - Hardback
Voytek (Wojciech) Gutowski, Ph.D.,joinedthe Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation (CSIRO) in 1983, where he works in the Division of Materials Science and Engineering as a Team Leader of "Functional Interphases & Coatings" Team. His research covers adhesion science and technology and intelligent multifunctional interphases for polymers and composites. His achievements in science and its translation to industrial technologies have brought him the highest Australian and international acclaim through numerous prestigious scientific and industrial awards. His publications record includes 78 generic patent families and patent applications, 1 book, 22 book chapters, and 120 scientific papers.
Hanna Dodiuk, Ph.D., was appointed the head of the Plastics Engineering and Polymers Department at Shenkar College of Engineering and Design in 2006. She specializes in adhesion science and adhesives technology, characterization and formulation of polymer adhesives and composites, biobased and renewable polymers, and aging of polymeric materials. She is the author or coauthor of 130 scientific publications and 15 patents, is the editor of two books, and serves as a member of the editorial boards of the Journal of Adhesion Science and Technology and Reviews of Adhesion and Adhesives.