The Dialectics of African Education and Western Discourses
2 contributors - Paperback
Handel Kashope Wright is Professor and Director of the Centre for Culture, Identity and Education, University of British Columbia. He is co-editor of the book series African and Diasporic Cultural Studies. His most recent publications include the co-edited books Africa, Cultural Studies and Difference (2011 with Keyan Tomaselli) and Cultural Studies of Transnationalism (2012 with Meaghan Morris).
Ali A. Abdi is Professor of Education and International Development and Co-Director of the Centre for Global Citizenship Education and Research (CGCER), University of Alberta. He is also the founding editor of the online publication, Journal of Contemporary Issues in Education and co-founding editor of the new journal, Cultural and Pedagogical Inquiry (with Cecille DePass). His recent edited volumes include Educating for Human Rights and Global Citizenship (2008 with Lynette Shultz) and Education and Social Development: Global Issues and Analyses (2008 with Shibao Guo).