Han-Ill Yoo Author & Editor

Prof. Han-Ill Yoo is the President (2017-2019) of the International Society for Solid State Ionics. He received his Ph.D in Ceramics from the Department of Materials Science and Engineering, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, USA, in 1984. He had since affiliated with the faculty of the Department of Materials Science and Engineering, Seoul National University until his retirement in 2017, and is now with Daegu Gyeongbuk Institute of Science and Technology(DGIST) as Invited Chair Professor. He has been teaching Thermodynamics and Kinetics along with his lifelong research in defect chemistry and mass/charge transport properties of ceramics. In the course of this research, he discovered a ceramic material with zero electronic thermopower, established the experimental methods to determine all the mass and charge transport properties in terms of the Onsager transport coefficients, and experimentally demonstrated the Onsager reciprocity between ionic and electronic flows in mixed ionic electronic conductors. Recently, he has been conducting research into the nonisothermal mass/charge transport properties of ceramics. He was awarded the Alexander von Humboldt Research Award in 2004 and elected to Fellow at College of Engineering, The University of Tokyo in 2009.