The Southern Tide
Hamish Williams - Paperback
Hamish Williams lectures in European Literature and Culture at the University of Groningen, the Netherlands. He has previously held a Junior Fellowship at the Polish Institute of Advanced Studies in Warsaw and a Humboldt Postdoctoral Fellowship at the Institute of English and American Studies, Friedrich Schiller University Jena. His main research area is Classical Reception Studies, particularly post-classical afterlives in modern literature and popular genres, but he is broadly interested in modern literary studies, covering topics such as utopianism, mythmaking, hospitality, and the sublime. His publications include Tolkien and the Classical World (ed., 2021) and J. R. R. Tolkien’s Utopianism and the Classics (2023). His current project focuses on modern receptions of Minoan Crete. Ross Clare is an independent scholar and Honorary Research Fellow at the University of Liverpool. He specializes in the study of antiquity in popular culture, particularly video games, film and television, and science fiction and fantasy. He is the author of Ancient Greece and Rome in Videogames: Representation, Play, Transmedia (Bloomsbury 2021).