Civ Greece in Bronze Age CB
HALL - Book
Eddy Hall is CEO of Living Stones Associates, a consulting team that since 1980 has been helping churches devise creative facility solutions, save money, improve church health, and increase ministry impact. He is the coauthor of several books, including When Not to Build and leads the staff at Hilltop Urban Church in Wichita, Kansas, a multi-ethnic church serving a low-income community.
Ray Bowman is the founder of Living Stones Associates. As an architect he spent thirty years helping churches build new facilities before turning his energies to helping them make the most of the buildings they already had. The coauthor of several books, including When Not to Build, he continues to consult in retirement.
J. Skipp Machmer over the past seveteen years has served on the staffs of two churches, first as Creative Arts Pastor and now as Executive Pastor at Riverside Church in Big Lake, Minnesota. He has guided a church in transitioning from being inwardly focused to being outwardly focused, helped lead his congregation through the transition to multivenue worship, then becoming a multisite church, seeing attendance grow from 500 to over 1500, mostly through evangelism.