Biofiller-Reinforced Biodegradable Polymer Composites
3 contributors - Hardback
S.M. Sapuan is a professor of composite materials at Universiti Putra Malaysia. He earned his B.Eng degree in Mechanical Engineering from University of Newcastle, Australia in 1990, MSc from Loughborough University, UK in 1994 and Ph.D from De Montfort University, UK in 1998. His research interests include natural fiber composites, materials selection and concurrent engineering. To date he has authored or co-authored more than 1300 publications in international journals (629 papers), books (17), edited books (13), chapters in books (91) and conference proceedings/seminars (597 papers).S.M. Sapuan was the recipient of Rotary Research Gold Medal Award 2012, The Alumni Medal for Professional Excellence Finalist, 2012 Alumni Awards, University of Newcastle, NSW, Australia, Khwarizmi International Award (KIA). In 2013 he was awarded with 5 Star Role Model Supervisor award by UPM. He has been awarded “Outstanding Reviewer” by Elsevier for his contribution in reviewing journal papers. He received Best Technical Paper Award in UMIMAS STEM International Engineering Conference in Kuching, Sarawak, Malaysia. S.,M. Sapuan was recognized as the first Malaysian to be conferred Fellowship by the US-based Society of Automotive Engineers International (FSAE) in 2015. He was the 2015/2016 recipient of SEARCA Regional Professorial Chair. In 2016 ranking of UPM researchers based on the number of citations and h-index by SCOPUS, he is ranked the 6th from 100 researchers. In 2017, he was awarded with IOP Outstanding Reviewer Award by Institute of Physics, UK, National Book Award, The Best Journal Paper Award, UPM, Outstanding Technical Paper Award, Society of Automotive Engineers International, Malaysia, and Outstanding Researcher Award, UPM. He also received in 2017 Citation of Excellence Award from Emerald, UK, SAE Malaysia the Best Journal Paper Award, IEEE/TMU Endeavour Research Promotion Award, Best Paper Award by Chinese Defence Ordnance and Malaysia’s Research Star Award (MRSA), from Elsevier.
H. Ismail obtained his PhD from Loughborough University of Technology, United Kingdom. His research interests include natural fiber reinforced polymer composites, recycling of rubber and plastic wastes and biodegradable polymer. He won many awards such as Khwarizmi International Award 2000 from Iran, APCTT (Asia Pacific) 2000 International Award, ISESCO Prize in Science & Technology 2001, Gold Medal at the International Trade Fair IENA 2005, Nuremberg, Germany. Gold Medal with special mention by jury at the 56th World Exhibition of Innovation and Research and New Technologies at Brussel, Belgium, Gold Medal, Double Gold and Special Award from Russia at British Invention Show (BIS 2010), London and Gold Medal at 6th International Invention Fair in the Middle East (IIFME), Kuwait, 2013. He has published more than 600 research papers in various polymer ISI international journals, 10 books and 10 chapters in book and currently one of the Editorial Board for Polymer Plastic Technology & Engineering (Marcel Dekker), Polymer Testing (Elsevier), J. Rubber Research (Springer), Research Journal of Environmental and Earth Sciences (Maxwell Science), ASEAN Engineering Journal, Iranica Journal of Energy and Environment, Iranian Polymer Journal (Springer), Central European Journal of Engineering (Springer), Journal of Composites and Biodegradable Polymers (Savvy Publishers) and J of Vinyl and Additive Technology (Wiley). He is Fellow of Academy Science of Malaysia and Top Malaysian Scientist 2004 and 2012.
R. Jumaidin is the Head of Department at the Department of Manufacturing Engineering Technology, Faculty of Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering Technology, Universiti Teknikal Malaysia Melaka. He obtained his PhD in Material Engineering from Universiti Putra Malaysia. His research interests include biopolymer, cellulose materials, biocomposites, and thermoplastic starch. New modification of thermoplastic starch using seaweed waste is one of the interesting research that has been published in International Journal of Biological Macromolecules (Elsevier). To date, he has published more than 20 articles, 2 chapter in book, and 5 conference papers. He has experience in reviewing numerous papers from various journals and conference. In recent, he has received awards for excellent publication in his university.