Guy Bowers Author

Guy Bowers has been gaming from an early age, making up boardgames to keep his sisters amused at the age of 8, and getting into roleplaying and wargaming by 13. In 2002 he started playtesting books for Warhammer Ancient Battles, before eventually writing his own – Siege and Conquest. He has contributed articles to many wargaming magazines, including Wargames, Soldiers and Strategy, for which he has also served as the editor since 2009. Dmitry Burmak is a freelance artist from Moscow, Russia. After graduating as an engineer, he decided to change his career plans and took another degree in Fine Art. Dmitry started as an artist in the video games industry and now works as a freelance illustrator with his wife Kate, who is also an artist. Dmitry specializes in fantasy and sci-fi art for roleplaying games, card games and video games.