Guozhen Shen Author & Editor

Dr. Zongqiang Xie is a professor of plant ecology and conservation sciences at State Key Laboratory of Vegetation and Environmental Change (LVEC), Institute of Botany, Chinese Academy of Sciences. He is the head of the National Field Station for Forest Ecosystem in Shennongjia and the Shennongjia Biodiversity Research Station of CAS. Dr. Xie obtained his Ph.D. in ecology from the Institute of Botany, Chinese Academy of Sciences, in 1996. His research focuses on monitoring, modeling, and managing forest ecosystems across scales, especially in the context of global environmental changes. His research employs a combined toolset to characterize the status and change in species, population, community and ecosystems, and examine ecological responses of terrestrial ecosystems to disturbances and climate change. Dr. Xie has published more than 120 papers in peer-reviewed journals including Science, PNAS, Global Change Biology, and Conservation Biology.

Dr. Guozhen Shen is an associate professor of conservation biology sciences at State Key Laboratory of Vegetation and Environmental Change (LVEC), Institute of Botany, Chinese Academy of Sciences. He received his Ph.D. in ecology from the Beijing Forestry University in 2002. He is specialized in the performance of protected areas in mitigating biodiversity and carbon loss, especially a detailed understanding of the species extinction, their driving forces such as landuse and climate change. His research employs spatial analysis tools to characterize the status and change of species distribution (such as giant panda and Metasequoia glyptostroboides), carbon sequestration and habitation fragmentation, and the consequences of the habitat fragmentation. Dr. Shen has published more than 60 papers in peer-reviewed journals including Conservation Biology and Biological Conservation.