Gunter Haufe Editor

Alain Tressaud is Emeritus Research Director at ICMCB-CNRS, Bordeaux University. He is President of the European Academy of Science in Brussels and member of several European academies. He founded and chaired the French Network on Fluorine Chemistry, sponsored by CNRS, until 2008. He has received several awards, including the CEA Award of French Academy of Sciences (2008), the Fluorine Award of the American Chemical Society (2011), and the International Henri Moissan Prize (2013). His scientific interest covers various fields, including synthesis, physical chemical characterizations, applications in fluorine chemistry, solid state chemistry, and materials sciences. His work also deals with surface modification of materials and intercalation chemistry. Professor Tressaud’s scientific production includes more than 360 papers in international journals, 20 book chapter contributions, and 12 internationalized patents. He has also edited several books in his role as editor-in-chief of the series “Advances in Fluorine Science” (2006) and “Progress in Fluorine Science” (2016) with Elsevier. Günter Haufe graduated from the University of Leipzig (Germany) with a Diploma degree in 1972 and a Dr. rer. nat. in 1975 both with Professor Manfred Mühlstädt. After basic military service he started his independent scientific career and did a Habilitation and venia legendi in Leipzig (1985). In 1986 he worked as a Research Fellow of Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS) with André Laurent at the Université Lyon I (France) for 6 months, and as a visiting scientist with Jakko Paasivirta at the University of Jyväskylä (Finland). From 1988-1991 he was an Associate Professor (Docent) of Bioorganic Chemistry at the University of Leipzig before he was appointed at his present position as a Professor of Organic Chemistry at the University of Münster (Germany). Guest Professorships led him to Lyon, Poznan, Rouen, Valencia, Nagoya, Shanghai and to the University of Florida, Gainesville (USA) as a Paul Tarrant Visiting Professor. He was awarded with the “Friedrich-Wöhler-Preis” in 1985 and elected as a member of the European Academy of Sciences in 2015. From 2008-2010 he served as a Chair of the group of German fluorine chemists within the German Chemical Society. He published a book on "Alicyclic Chemistry" together with Gerhard Mann (1989) and edited a monograph "Fluorine and Health" together with Alain Tressaud (2008). He was an Associate Editor of "Advances in Fluorine Science" and is a Regional Editor of the Journal of Fluorine Chemistry since 2008. His research interest span from Organofluorine Chemistry, particularly fluorination methodology, selective synthesis of fluorinated analogues of natural products and 18F-tracers for the Positron-Emission-Tomography, via Preparative Organic Chemistry including total synthesis of natural products, to enzymatic methods for the preparation of organic compounds.