Introduzione ai sistemi dinamici - Volume 2
Guido Gentile - Paperback
Guido Gentile is Professor of Transport Engineering at Sapienza University of Rome, where he teaches “Transport Modeling and Planning”. He is also President of the University Spin-off SISTeMA.
He was born in 1971 in Rome, where he graduated cum laude as Civil Engineer in 1996. He obtained a Master in Corporate Finance at LUISS in 1996 and a PhD in Transport Engineering at Sapienza in 2000. He is enrolled in the Professional Engineering Association of Rome since 1996.
His main fields of scientific and professional interests are: static and dynamic traffic assignment to road networks, simulation and management of public transport systems, travel demand and route choice models, city-logistics and network design, infomobility and intelligent transport systems.
He is author of 100 scientific publications, most in the international literature, of 140 presentations at conferences, of several software and of well-known algorithm for the simulation of transport networks, e.g. LUCE and DUE that are also included into the platform VISUM by PTV and used all over the world.
Since 2011 he has been Editor of the EURO Journal on Transportation and Logistics, published by Springer. Since 2012 he is Associate Editor of Transportmetrica B: Transport Dynamics, published by Taylor & Francis. Since 2012 he has been Chair of the Cost Action: Modelling Public Transport Passengers in the Era of ITS.
As vice president at PTV Group, Dr. Noekel is responsible for product management and software development of the PTV Vision Traffic Suite of transportation planning software, including PTV Visum (demand modelling), PTV Vissim (traffic microsimulation), PTV Optima (real-time traffic management). He participates in numerous collaborations with the academic community in transportation modelling and has published on diverse topics, particularly traffic assignment. Dr Noekel joined PTV Group in 1997 and has worked on numerous consultancy and software development projects in transportation planning and traffic engineering for more than 20 years. He holds a Ph.D. in Computer Science from the University of Kaiserslautern and a M.Sc. in Computer Science and Operations Research from RWTH Aachen.
Dr Noekel is Vice Chair of the EU COST Action “Modelling Public Transport Passenger Flows in the Era of ITS”.