Guan Heng Yeoh Author & Editor

Guan Heng Yeoh is a professor at the School of Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering, UNSW, and a principal research scientist at ANSTO. He is the founder and editor of the Journal of Computational Multiphase Flows and the group leader of Computational Thermal-Hydraulics of OPAL Research Reactor, ANSTO. He has approximately 250 publications including 10 books, 12 book chapters, 156 journal articles and 115 conference papers with an H-index of 33 and over 4490 citations. His research interests are computational fluid dynamics (CFD); numerical heat and mass transfer; turbulence modelling using Reynolds averaging and large eddy simulation; combustion, radiation heat transfer, soot formation and oxidation, and solid pyrolysis in fire engineering; fundamental studies in multiphase flows: free surface, gas-particle, liquid-solid (blood flow and nanoparticles), and gas-liquid (bubbly, slug/cap, churn-turbulent, and subcooled nucleate boiling flows); computational modelling of industrial systems of single-phase and multiphase flows.