Mutual Strangers
Gu Qian - Hardback
Gu Qian started writing in the 1980s while working various jobs including as a labourer, beekeeper, advertising sales manager and magazine editor. His works include the short story collections Flat Out, Hi, Long Time No See and Mutual Strangers, and the novels Go Elsewhere and Civilian Life. Often anthologised, he has won the Nanjing Gold Medal for Literature and Art. He lives in Nanjing, Jiangsu Province. Jack Hargreaves is a translator of Yorkshire extraction. His literary work, recognised by English PEN and PEN America, includes the full-length works Winter Pasture by Li Juan and Seeing by Chai Jing, both co-translated with Yan Yan, Wait and See by Zhu Hui, co-translated with Jun Liu and A Submarine in the Night by Chen Chuncheng. He writes for the China Books Review.