Gretchen F Wagner Author

Marc Naguib  is the chairholder of the Behavioural Ecology Group Wageningen University & Research, The Netherlands. His research focuses on animal communication and social behaviour with also a strong interest in conservation behaviour.

Gretchen F. Wagner is a researcher at the Behavioural Ecology Group of Wageningen University & Research. She is broadly interested in eco-evolutionary dynamics, with special interest in reproductive and parental care strategies of animals.

Lysanne Snijders is researcher at the Behavioural Ecology Group of Wageningen University & Research. Her research focusses on animal social behaviour, animal personality and the application of animal behaviour to wildlife conservation.

E. Tobias Krause is researcher at the Institute of Animal Welfare and Animal Husbandry of the Friedrich Loeffer-Institute in Celle, Germany. His research interests are animal welfare, behavioural ecology and cognition of (farm) animals.