Gregory Routt Author

Gregory Routt, MA, is codeveloper of Step Up, a counseling program in Seattle for teens that are violent with family members, and coauthor of the Step Up curriculum. The Step Up curriculum has been used in juvenile courts, family courts, and related agencies in the US, Canada, England, and Australia. Prior to working with Step Up, Mr. Routt worked with adult perpetrators of domestic violence at Family Services Domestic Violence Treatment Program in Seattle and was codirector of the program. He has also worked as a chemical dependency counselor with inmates in Seattle’s King County Jail.

Lily Anderson, MSW, is codeveloper of Step Up and a coauthor of the Step Up curriculum. She has worked in the field of domestic violence since 1978. From 1986 to 1998 she developed and coordinated a parent education program for Family Services in Seattle, where she authored two parenting curriculums, Anger Management for Parents and Skills for Respectful Parenting. In 1997, she coauthored Helping Children Who Have Experienced Domestic Violence: A Guide for Parents, a curriculum for parents of children who have experienced domestic violence that is being used nationwide in perpetrator and survivor programs.