Augustus H. Strong and the Dilemma of Historical Consciousness
Grant Wacker - Hardback
James R. Goff Jr. is a professor of history at Appalachian State University and Chief Historical Consultant of the Southern Gospel Music Hall of Fame and Museum. He is also the author of Fields White Unto Harvest: Charles F. Parham and the Missionary Origins of Pentecostalism (Arkansas, 1988) and Close Harmony: A History of Southern Gospel (North Carolina, 2002).
Grant Wacker is an associate professor of American church history at Duke University and a senior editor of the journal Church History: Studies in Christianity and Culture. His publications include August H. Strong and the Dilemma of Historical Consciousness (Mercer, 1985), Religion in Nineteenth Century America (Oxford, 2000), and Heaven Below: Pentecostals and American Culture (Harvard, 2001).
David Edwin Harrell Jr. is Breeden Eminent Scholar in the Department of History at Auburn. His books include All Things Are Possible: The Healing and Charismatic Revivals in Modern America (Indiana, 1975).