Graham Moyson Author

Graham Moyson is the author of The Millennium Stones, another story about time travel. This is because he has a time machine in his garden shed and uses it for research. It's very much a secret as he does not want the authorities taking it away and misusing it. He enjoys visiting his ancestors in the 16th, 17th and 18th centuries, although they cannot grasp any modern ideas at all. He does not tell them who he is as that would be upsetting, as well as impossible for them to understand. Instead, he pretends to be a simple Dutch traveller named Van den Burgh. He has found his ancestors to be a mixed bunch, some friendly and welcoming, some less so. He has visited some earlier time periods but lost track of his distant ancestors who seem to have come from far flung areas of Europe. He is, of course, careful not to change anything in the past as that would affect the present, but he hopes that the multiverse will take of any such mistakes and create alternate timelines.