The Power of Geographical Thinking
3 contributors - Hardback
Graham Butt is an Emeritus in Education and former Director of Research at the School of Education, Oxford Brookes University, and is a founding member of the Geography Education Research Collective (GEReCo). Graham’s research is predominantly in the field of geography education, although he has also published on assessment, teacher workload, and modernisation of the teaching workforce. His books include Modernising Schools (2007, with Helen Gunter), Lesson Planning (3rd edition) (2008), Making Assessment Matter (2010) and, as editor, Geography, Education and the Future (2011), MasterClass in Geography Education (2015) and The Power of Geographical Thinking (2017, with Clare Brooks and Mary Fargher). Graham is a long-standing member of the Geographical Association and an invited member of the UK Committee of the International Geographical Union (IGU).