Grady Miller Author

Bert McCarty is a Professor of Horticulture specializing in turfgrass science and management at Clemson University in Clemson, South Carolina. A native of Batesburg, SC, he received a BS degree from Clemson University in agronomy and soils, MS from North Carolina State University in crop science, and PhD from Clemson University in plant physiology and plant pathology. Dr. McCarty spent almost nine years as a turfgrass specialist at the University of Florida in Gainesville. While at the University of Florida, he oversaw the design and construction of the state-of-the-art research and education turfgrass facility, "The Envirotron." He also was author or coauthor of the books, Best Management Practices for Florida Golf Courses, Weeds of Southern Turfgrasses, and Florida Lawn Handbook. In 1996 he moved to Clemson University and is involved in research, extension, and teaching activities. He has published over 200 articles dealing with all phases of turfgrass management and has given over 500 presentations. He is currently coordinating author of the books, Best Golf Course Management Practices and Color Atlas of Turfgrass Weeds and is active in a number of professional societies.

Grady Miller is an Associate Professor of Turfgrass Science at the University of Florida in Gainesville. He is a native of Louisiana with a BS from Louisiana Tech University in agriculture, an MS degree from Louisiana State University in agronomy and soils, and a PhD from Auburn University in turfgrass science. Dr. Miller's research program includes activities that address the environmental concerns of the commercial and urban turfgrass sectors. His research involves the investigation of nutritional and physiological influences on growth and development of turfgrass species. Current research activities include: turfgrass water relations as related to drought stress, inorganic soil amendments and plant nutrition for improved turfgrass establishment, and evaluation of athletic field performance characteristics. He teaches undergraduate and graduate courses in turfgrass culture, golf and sports turf management, and landscape management. He is a member of the International Turfgrass Society, America Society of Agronomy, Crop Science Society of America, United States Golf Association, Golf Course Superintendents Association of America, and the Sports Turf Managers Association.