Göran Svedsäter Editor

Nader Ahmadi has a Ph.D. in sociology and is Associate Professor and Vice President of the University of Gävle, Sweden. His research has mainly focused on areas such as welfare and social policy, international social work, identity and youth problems, coping strategies among cancer patients, socio-cultural perceptions of the self and gender roles, etc. He has been consultant for the World Bank, UNICEF and the European Commission in many countries such as Russia, Croatia, Vietnam, Azerbaijan, Tajikistan, FYR of Macedonia, Kosovo and Bosnia & Herzegovina. He has also been leader of a nation-wide research project on the health problems among the asylum-seeking children in Sweden commissioned by the Swedish Government. Ahmadi has been guest lecturer in India, China and Russia Arne Ljungqvist - medical professor, high jumper and sports manager - has devoted his life to the service of medicine and sports. He managed to become the Swedish champion in high jump as well as participate in the Helsinki 1952 Olympics. Among others he has been Chairman of the Department of Pathology and Cytology, Karolinska Hospital; Pro Rector at the Karolinska Institute, Sweden; President of Swedish Cancer Society; Chairman of the International Olympic Committee’s (IOC) Medical Commission; founder and Vice Chairman of the World Anti-Doping agency (WADA); Chairman of the WADA Health, Medical and Research Committee. In 2014 he received an honorary doctorate from the Faculty of Health and Occupational Studies at the University of Gävle, Sweden Göran Svedsäter has a Specialization degree in Psychology and Science of Education and is currently Lecturer at the University of Gävle, Sweden. He has been Lectuer and Leader of Research and Development at the Faculty of Education and Health Care Education, Oslo College and Lecturer at the Faculty of Health Care Education, College of Trondheim. He has also been consultant for International Doping Tests & Management (testing activities, recruiting, education and training of international sampling officers). He also has experience as doping control officer for Norwegian Confederation of Sport and as an International doping control officer for several international federations.