Handbook of Biopolymers
3 contributors - Hardback
Dr. J. Rajesh Banu, Associate Professor, Department of life sciences, Central University of Tamil Nadu, Neelakudy, Tamil Nadu, India was formerly Assistant Professor in Anna University Regional Campus, Tirunelveli, India, Post-Doctoral Fellow and Lecturer in Sungkyunkwan University, South Korea. He is also a visiting researcher in East China Normal University, China. He is the author of 180 publications in SCI and SCIE journals with a cumulative impact factor of 691.38. His publications achieved more than 4000 citations. He has authored 2 books and published 22 book chapters and 14 conference proceedings. He obtained 5 Major grants from Government of India and two consultancy from industries. He has guided 14 Ph.D. students and 70 post graduate engineering students in the discipline of environmental engineering and Science. He was awarded with think of ecology award by Hiyoshi Japan for the year 2018. Dr. Rajesh banu’s research centres on biological wastewater treatment, Nutrient removal, Membrane Bioreactor, Microbial Fuel cells and Energy recovery from, micro and macroalgae biorefinery, lignin valorization. Dr. Gopalakrishnan Kumar serves as Associate professor in Institute of Chemistry, Bioscience and Environmental Engineering, Faculty of Science and Technology, University of Stavanger, Stavanger, Norway. Additionally, he plays the role as “specially appointed Associate professor concentrating on research in School of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Yonsei University, South Korea . His major research interest includes biofuel/biochemical production from lignocellulose/waste/wastewater and algal biomass via biorefinery and valorization schemes and Microbial fuel/electrolysis cell (MFC& MEC) technologies. He has extensively published more than 205 SCI papers in highly prestigious Journals (including 2 cover image articles, 7 high cited/hot articles and 1 key scientific article), with total citations of 5000 & h-index of 37. He also contributed to more than 15 book chapters and edited/editing 2 books. Dr. M. Gunasekaran, Assistant Professor, Department of Physics, Anna University Chennai, Tirunelveli region was formerly Post-Doctoral Fellow in Department of Information and communication Engineering, Sungkyunkwan University, South Korea. He was awarded Japanese Government (Monbukagakusho) Scholarship as Research Student at the graduate school of Nagoya Institute of Technology, Nagoya, Japan. He received his PhD from Department of Physics, Anna University, India in the year 2007 in the field of renewable energy. He is a reviewer of international journals. He is the author of more than 30 publications in SCI and SCIE journals. His publications achieve more than 595 citations and he has authored 2 books and completed two PhD students. He obtained a Major grant from DST, Government of India under young scientist scheme. Dr. Gunasekaran’s research interest focus is on effective and environmental friendly material for solar cell research, Oxide metal/Semiconductor material for waste water treatment, Sludge reduction under photo irradiation, Energy recovery from waste and Biomass. Dr. S. Kavitha completed her PhD in Department of Civil Engineering, Regional campus, Anna University, Tirunelveli, India. She received her Bachelor degree in Microbiology, and Masters in biotechnology at Manonmaniam Sundaranar University, Tirunelveli, Tamil Nadu, India. She is a reviewer in various international journals. She has authored about 50 articles in SCI and SCIE journals with a cumulative impact factor of 250. Her publications achieved 1000 citations. She has authored one reference book and 4 book chapters. She has received best poster award for the work entitled “Recovery of volatile fatty acids from marine macroalgae hydrolysate using energy efficient thermo-acidic coupled ultrasonic homogenization at 8th Global Conference on Global Warming-2019 (GCGW-2019) on April 2019 in Doha, Qatar. Her major research includes generation of energy from biomass, micro and macroalgae biorefinery, lignin valorization and microbial fuel cells.