The Role of Gasotransmitters In the Amelioration of Arsenic Toxicity in Plants
3 contributors - Paperback
A graduate in Pharmacy, Federal University of Alfenas (2004) with specialization in Clinical Analysis, Dr Batista is Master Scientist in Toxicology, Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences, University of Sao Paulo (FCFRP-USP/Ribeirão Preto). He worked as a researcher at CNPq DTI on determination of metals and pesticides in food in FCFRP-USP. He has a Ph.D. in Science (FCFRP-USP, 2012), where he worked with chemical speciation of arsenic in food, with part of this doctoral held at the University of Aberdeen, Scotland (Scotland, UK). He has more than 88 articles published in the areas of analytical chemistry, toxicology, food analysis and metabolism of chemicals. Currently he is a Professor in Analytical Chemistry at the Federal University of ABC. Dr. Gonzalo Tortella Fuentes is currently working as a Researcher in the Center of Environmental Biotechnology, Scientific and Technological Bioresources Nucleus (BIOREN) at Universidad de La Frontera, Temuco, Chile. He obtained his D.Sc. in Natural Resources from the same University. His research line focuses on Environmental Biotechnology, Environmental Microbiology, and Nanoecotoxicology. He has supervised 3 undergraduate theses and has 2 undergraduates currently in his supervision. He has published (26) articles in journals, (1) book chapter, (40) papers in international congress and (11) papers in national congress contributed as author/co-author. Dr Allan Klynger da Silva Lobato currently holds the positions of Adjunct Professor at the Federal Rural University of the Amazon, Coordinator of the Basic and Applied Plant Research Center, and Permanent Professor in the Postgraduate Program in Agronomy at UFRA. In relation to research and teaching, he has guided more than 30 academics (Scientific Initiation, Master and Doctorate), and has published more than 140 articles and 8 book chapters. UFRA). His research interests include the benefits of biostimulants (natural and biodegradable steroids) on the metabolism of plants under biotic and abiotic stresses, as well as how these substances mitigate or prevent negative effects.