Gonzalo Rivero Author

Andreas Jungherr is Assistant Professor in Political Science at the University of Konstanz. His research addresses strategic adaptation to digital technology by organizations, political actors, and citizens in international comparison; he also focuses on harnessing the potential of computational social science. He is author of the books Analyzing Political Communication with Digital Trace Data and Das Internet in Wahlkämpfen (with Harald Schoen). Gonzalo Rivero is a research data scientist at the Statistics and Evaluation Sciences Unit at Westat. His research focuses on political representation, electoral behavior, and quantitative methods for public opinion research. Daniel Gayo-Avello is an Associate Professor at the Department of Computer Science in the University of Oviedo. His main area of interest is Web Mining with a focus on social media. He has published in venues such as Communications of the ACM, IEEE Internet Computing, and IEEE Multimedia. He co-edited a special issue of Internet Research on the predictive power of social media, and contributed a chapter on Political Opinion to the book Twitter: A Digital Socioscope.